ELL & Migrant Education
What is the Migrant Education Program?
The Migrant Education Program provides services to the children of migratory and seasonal farm workers to help them succeed in school despite the challenges created by frequent moves from one school district to another.

What is a Migrant Child?
A migrant child is those of age from 21 years of age to 3 years old who move with the agricultural worker within three years. Sometimes some children will join after the agricultural worker has moved, however, the child still qualifies once they are with the worker.
What type of agriculture work qualifies?
- -Field work, including picking rocks or moving irrigation pipes
- -Food processing of raw farm products such as vegetables or meat
- -Sorting or bagging potatoes or onions
- -Planting or caring for plants or trees at nurseries or tree farms
- -Milking or caring for cattle or other livestock
- -Fishing or raising fish on fish farms
What qualifies students for the Migrant Education Program?
Children of any race or language background in families who have moved in the last 3 years in order to find temporary or seasonal work in agriculture or fishing.
What services can the migrant students receive?
- Supplies and information to help preschool children get ready for kindergarten.
- Preschool Backpack Kits
- Migrant and Seasonal Head Start
- Head Start and Early Head Start
- Math and Literacy Courses provided by Filer School District and IAEYC
- Assistance with school supplies
- Support in various academic areas, through push-in or pull-out help from a migrant paraprofessional
- Opportunity to attend migrant summer school
Migrant students are supported through out high school and are offered many programs to help pave the path towards graduation.
- Idaho Connects Online (ICON)-Portable Assisted Study Sequence (PASS)
- High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
- College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
- Opportunity to attend Migrant Student Leadership Institute
The following is a list of existing programs Out-of-School Youth may qualify for
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
- General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
- Portbale Assisted Study Squence (PASS)
What services can the migrant Families receive?
All parents get information about local schools and preschool programs as well as support with the following :
- -Referrals to local community health services
- -Free GED program
- -Assistance to local food assistance programs
- -Grants to get their children what they need for school (Empowering Parents)
- -Free or low-income eye and dental clinics
- -Clothing resources
What is the English Learner Program?
The English Learner Program in Filer School District focuses on the diverse needs of our districts English Language Learners. We provide educational and supportive services so that each child receives the same opportunities and academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet so they overcome barriers and transition into postsecondary education and employment.

Our Program
In the Filer School District our goal for our English Language Learners is to provide your children with the help and resources they need to do be successful in school. To do this we may place your child in the ELL program to help them learn the necessary English language skills. We may also help them in a smaller group setting for math or reading skills. For the older students we can help them with graduation needs, such as credit recovery or beginning their first year of college. We have your child's best interest in mind and will what we can to help them succeed in school.
Please contact Filer School Distrist’s ELL teacher with any questions you may have.